About us

Executive management

Ondřej Marek

Managing director

E: ondrej.marek@sbelter.cz

Rámí Khallouf

Managing director

E: rami.khallouf@sbelter.cz

Jan Pinta

Managing director

E: jan.pinta@sbelter.cz

Petr Lukeš

Director of a real estate agency

E: petr.lukes@sbelter.cz

Company History

The company’s origins date back to 2008, but our team members have been working in finance since the early millennium. In 2008, there was a sensation (Belter) when a firm with solid values (Stone) was finally founded, hence Stone & Belter, which has put the client first and started creating services that were previously not found on the market. From the beginning, we saw finance and real estate as connected vessels and this innovative approach was also recognized by many of the better known firms later on. We are not dinosaurs, we are adapting to a new environment, and we are leaders in our industry.

We know that everything in life changes. That’s why we are here for you and always will be. We feel a strong need for you to always have at least one lifelong partner you can trust. We are competent, healthily confident, and humbly accept that we will handle your money and life with you.

In order to provide the highest quality of service to our clients, we have created four sections within the firm with professionals in their respective fields. Thanks to them, our clients have everything under one roof and our advisors are able to serve the client comprehensively.


Personal finance: come and consult with a professional on how to set up your family finances, how to secure a good quality home, save for your children’s education or provide safe future for your retirement.

Private advice: we will put together your portfolio as we would for ourselves. We have a number of former and highly experienced investment bankers working for us. Now we will work for you, not for the bank.

Corporate finance: Do you want to save on fees or other banking and insurance products? Tax optimization? Possibly arrange financing, or advise on how to prepare for a similar situation? We have a CFO who can arrange everything for you.

Real estate: we can help you buy, sell or rent a property. Do you want an investment apartment and don’t want to worry about anything?


The reason we take care of you and your money is not merely for money. We are Stone & Belter.

Finanční služby propagované a nabízené na tomto webu poskytuje společnost Stone & belter s.r.o., IČO: 28443918, se sídlem Praha 1 – Nové Město, Jungmannova 748/30, PSČ 110 00, prostřednictvím finančních poradců uvedených na tomto webu, a to v roli vázaného zástupce pro investičního / samostatného zprostředkovatele SAB servis s.r.o., IČO: 24704008, se sídlem Praha 1 – Nové Město, Jungmannova 748/30, PSČ 110 00, v následujících finančních oblastech:

  • Insurance registered under Act No. 170/2018 Coll.
  • Investments to Act No. 256/2004 Coll.
  • Supplementary pension savings pursuant to Act 427/2011 Coll.
  • Consumer credit pursuant to Act No 257/2016 Coll.

Naše oprávnění je možné ověřit v Seznamu regulovaných a registrovaných subjektů finančního trhu České národní banky na http://www.cnb.cz/cnb/jerrs, kde také najdete aktuální informace a podrobnosti o naší registraci a rozsahu našeho oprávnění.

Detailní právní informace k nabízených službám a produktům (včetně reklamačního řádu, možnosti podání stížností, řešení sporů, orgánu dohledu, udržitelnosti atd.) najdete na https://sabservis.cz/informace.

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